Spring Clean Up Time

Spring clean up is largely about pruning shrubs and ornamental grasses before they start pushing out new growth. This makes it a race against nature to get this done for everyone in time. For this reason we intentionally hold off on weeding until the second visit; we know they’ll still be there later! So come May we start weeding in earnest and laying down mulch to keep them at bay. Once again, if you know you’d like a fresh layer of mulch this May drop us a line so we can count you in for our order.

As always, our goal is to get spring clean-up done for every client as early as possible. We begin with lower elevations and move up. We do our best to coincide with the city’s spring clean-up pick up for those of you in city limits.

Eva Montane

Columbine Landscapes

Since 1997, Columbine Landscapes has been providing fresh, lively, and engaging landscape services in Durango, Colorado. Our specialty is creating innovative, ecologically-minded, biodiverse landscapes that harvest rain and create habitat. 

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