Columbine Landscapes provides comprehensive landscape maintenance services to sustain the quality and health of landscaped areas and preserve intended design concepts. From planting to cleanup to garden maintenance, we are professional gardeners guided by correct horticultural practices for optimum health and beauty of your perennial beds throughout the growing season.
We maintain perennial beds for our clients, typically on a schedule of every 2 weeks, every 4 weeks, or occasionally a landscape will be so low maintenance that visiting just 3 times a year is sufficient to keep it in great shape. Perennial beds are generally areas of a landscape that are mulched with plants that come back every year – flowers, shrubs, and trees. Give us a call and we’ll be happy to come out to look at your priorities and let you know when we can get the crew out to start.
Deadheading to prolong blooming of perennial and annual flowers
Define edges of beds
Applying natural sprays as needed:
Dividing/transplanting perennials and bulbs
Spring and fall clean up including leaf raking