Our Philosophy

We make the world a better place with our emphasis on your health & the health of the slice of land you steward

Improved Well-Being: Biophilia

Biophilia is humankind’s innate biological connection with nature. It helps explain why crackling fires and crashing waves captivate us; why a garden view can enhance our creativity; why shadows and heights instill fascination and fear; and why animal companionship and strolling through a park have restorative, healing effects. [Connection with nature] can reduce stress, improve cognitive function and creativity, improve our well-being and expedite healing”. Read more here.

Our home landscape is the access point by which many of us most frequently experience nature. Columbine’s services keep it fresh, lively and beautiful and help draw you outside where you’ll feel good being in your outdoor space. We thereby increase your interaction with the nature that surrounds you and supports you on many levels.

Ecological Health & Pollinator Friendly

Pollinators do much of the unseen heavy lifting to make our crops produce and to help balance and stabilize the Earth’s ecology. They have only more recently been recognized for the crucial role they play, as their numbers have dwindled due to the overuse of chemicals harmful to them.

Pollinator-supportive practices Columbine embraces:

  • We embrace practices that nourish the soil and support the local ecological web including using only natural sprays and amendments.
  • We select plants that are locally native and use true species whenever available because pollinators prefer them. An example of this is a preference for the classic pinkish purple coneflower/Echinacea purpurea as opposed to the new hybrid reds, oranges and white varietals.
  • We make an effort to include plants that are popular among the pollinators every time we design or augment a bed or landscape.

For more info on the important work pollinators do and how to nurture them, click here. We’re always happy to discuss ecological concepts and how to integrate them into your landscape, so don’t hesitate to engage us!

Supporting Our Local Economy

Plants grown and wintered over in the same locale where they will be planted will be hardier and more resilient when planted in the landscape. Our locally owned nurseries and garden centers are the sources for such plants.

Columbine is proud to be an active member in the community. Look for our gift certificates at your favorite organization’s next silent auction.

Some of the groups we’ve donated to include:

Durango’s Local First lists additional reasons shopping local is important.